The Chasm of Poudrey is a real geological phenomenon due to its formation and its internal dimensions, which makes it the 4th largest underground cavern in France in terms of volume. Its total volume is equivalent to 1 million cubic meters. Discover this wonderful underground world during a tour of 1 hour. A music and lights show on the legends of Franche-Comté showcases this amazing chasm. The guided tour is in French and in English thanks to smartphones and headphones. Professor Fournier and his team are delighted to welcome you to discover one of the treasures of Franche-Comté.

To reach to the chasm, it is necessary to go down 250 stairs and then climb up them again.

The temperature of the chasm is about 7°C. Please wear warm clothing and suitable shoes for a visit in a damp environment.

You need to carrying the youngest child on the stairs.


For our visit, you have the possibility to have audioguide. For this, you need to take your phones and your headphones with you, and when you will be here, we will explain to you how to go on the application. You can also download the application « Gouffre de Poudrey » and you will be ready !

You need to be here 15 min before the departure of your visit. If you are not enough early, you can’t have audioguide.


The booking of your visit is recommended in our wesbite:

FEBRUARY SINCE HOLYDAYS ( A SIDE ) : Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday departure of visits at 11:00 am / 2:00 pm / 3:00 pm / 4:00 pm

MARCH, APRIL, MAY AND JUNE : Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays departure of visits at 11:00 am / 2:00 pm / 3:00 pm / 4:00 pm

JULY 1st WEEK : every day, departure of visits at 10:30 am / 11:30 am / 1:30 pm / 2:30 pm / 3:30pm /4:30pm

JULY AND AUGUST : every day, departure of visite at 10:00 am / 11:00 am / 12:00 am / 1:00 pm / 1:30 pm / 2:00 pm / 2:30pm / 3:00 pm / 3:50 pm / 4:00 pm / 4:30 pm / 5:00 pm

SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER UNTIL THE AND OF HOLYDAYS : Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, departure of visits at 11:00 am / 2:00 pm / 3:00 pm / 4:00 pm

NOVEMBER / DECEMBER / JANUARY : The Chasm of Poudrey is closed.


 Adult  €11,50

Child aged 5-12.  €9,50

Child under 5 years free

See you soon !



1 puits de Poudrey


Phone : 03 81 59 22 57


Located between Besançon and Pontarlier (highway 57)

Plan Franche-comté ou Doubs ?

A36  motorway access from Lyon :
> Exit n°3 Besançon-Planoise
> Exit n°4 Besançon-St Claude
follow the direction Pontarlier / Lausanne then “Gouffre de Poudrey »

A36  motorway access from Strasbourg :
> Exit n°5 Baume-Les-Dames
follow the direction Ornans then “Gouffre de Poudrey”
> Exit n°4.1 Besançon-Marchaux
follow the direction Besançon city center then Pontarlier / Lausanne then “Gouffre de Poudrey”

Access from Switzerland :

Follow the direction Besançon (French) then “Gouffre de Poudrey”